very focused on  just one application  that being said before I came to that  decision I developed extensive  experience with both of these  applications but QuickBooks Online and  Xero couple years back I did a major  cleanup job in Xero which Nitschke Nancarrow Accountants really had me  going into the trenches in Xero and I  learned I think every nook and cranny of  what the program does and how it works  so with that said I’m going to plan on  going through this as objectively as I  can but with the understanding

that I am  I do have a natural bias here I have  made a choice in my own practice to use  QuickBooks Online and I made that choice  over zero by the end of this video  you’re going to see why I made that  choice ultimately I am going to explain  it to you as I go a lot of the  differences are not deal-breakers but by  the time I get to the end I’m going to  explain to you the one major reason that  ultimately made me want to use  QuickBooks Online and not zero meanwhile  I’m going to do my best to compare them  side-by-side as objectively as I can  let’s take a look

at my screen and see  we’re going to break this down in terms  of a few major areas we’re going to look  at Bank feeds we’re going to and I’m  going to show you a major problem that I  have with the with how the bank balances  work in Xero we’re going to look at  entering transactions and then we’re  going to look at reporting those are  three kind of major areas that sort of  encompass everything you need to do in  these applications to manage a company  set of books

so over here I’ve got a  sample company open in QuickBooks Online  let me actually get to a sample company  here we’ll sign out  now we’re going to go to the test  company  confirm I’m not a robot and then zero  I’m already in there demo company right  and either of these products very easy  to go out and get the demo company so  you can play around with both and see  which one you like better remember what  I’m sharing with you is objective in the

  sense that I’m going to show you the  facts and I’m going to demonstrate how  both products work in each of these  major areas but I’m going to be  injecting my opinion in here because  it’s based on my

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